8.30 Registration & Coffee
9.30 LIB CON 2023 opening lecture
National Library of the Czech Republic : a significant research organisation
Mgr. Tomáš Foltýn (General Director of the National Library of the Czech Republic)10.15 Research libraries and society : how do we help fight against misinformation?
David Minor (the Director of the Research Data Curation Program in the UC San Diego Library)11.15 Lunch + visit to Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic (a guided tour at reconstructed premises of the ANS)
14.15 Smartlaby : innovative education in libraries
Mgr. Tomáš Fiala (Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information)14.50 Information literacy in the context of artificial intelligence
Mgr. Michaela Dombrovská, Ph.D. (Head of the Department of Library Science at Silesian University in Opava)15.30 break (15 min)
15.45 Cybersecurity in libraries – useless, luxury or necessity?
Ing. Diana Průšová (Accenture Security, Lead Security Architect)16.20 Libraries as incubators of democratic society
RNDr. Michal Černý, Ph.D. (Deputy of the Department of Information and Library Studies at the Faculty of Arts in Brno)17.00 Panel discussion
Networking & Wine Tasting